Procurement & Portfolio

You believe that an efficient, attractive and customer-oriented marketing of energy already starts with the procurement ? We believe that too!

As a first step we analyse the given general conditions. In doing so, we look at the energy consumption as well as their predictability and malleability but also at the contractually agreed conditions plus the strategy of procurement. Based on our analysis, we assess the information gained in regard to alternative ways and diskuss the results with our clients.

As a matter of principle the question of the approach is allowed to be asked.

  • Do I want to have myself supplied or do I want to take control?
  • Do I blindly trust my supplier or do I want to know which chances, resulting from the cooperation with me, he is going to use for himself?

In the subsequent implementation of the measures agreed upon, we prequalify suitable suppliers from the European energy market. We compile a demand forecast, monitor the markets and buy the amount of energy on the basis of the procurement strategy agreed upon with the clients on behalf and on account of our clients. The checking of the bills, reports following from that and all reports to REMIT happen through us.
